I am a political scientist (postdoctoral fellow/assistant professor) in the Department of Political Science at University of Oslo. Previously, I worked as a Data Scientist at the ESRC Business and Local Government Data Research Centre at University of Essex. I hold a PhD from University College London and an MA from the University of Mannheim.
I research legislative politics and institutions with a focus on the European Union. My interests include political negotiations, strategic behaviour and the consequences of rising Euroscepticism. Currently, I work on the Strategy of Recorded Voting in the European Parliament (StREP) project which 1) automatically collects and updates individual-level voting data as well as contextual information from the European Parliament; 2) makes the data available to the wider community; 3) develops an estimator of preferences from voting behaviour that takes the strategic aspect of roll-call voting into account; 4) analyses new developments of voting behaviour in the EU.
Methodologically, I focus on machine learning and I also apply methods for causal inference with observational data in my research. I am a developer and maintainer of the statistical software package autoMrP for the R language which applies machine learning techniques to better estimate subnational public opinion from surveys. Furthermore, I participate in a Cambridge University Press book project on "Multilevel Regression and Poststratification: A Practical Guide and New Developments" where my contribution is a chapter on regularised regression.
I have instructed members of local government institutions such as law enforcement as well as university undergraduates and postgraduates in R, Python, introductory and advanced statistics, programming and data science. Furthermore, I advice local government institutions, human rights/civil liberties NGOs and civil society charities on research methodology and public policy.